No more biking for me on this trip since I fell into the New Year on a dark and slippery jetty hurting my shoulder. Will have to find something else to do now I guess.
The problem was rather a lack of alcohol cruising thru my arteries at the time...if I had been completely wasted and fallen over chances are nothing would have happened and I would have carried on biking the next day just nursing a major hang-over...
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I thought Germans could hold their drink!?!!??
Rock n Roll lifestyle catches up with us all, sorry to hear of your fleiche wound.
Your 10 year survival statistics have increased significantly though, and you can enjoy the view from ..... the bus? ....
I think Stu was a bit unkind.
Luiciano Pavarostisi III (bent ceiling brigade)
Take Care
The problem was rather a lack of alcohol cruising thru my arteries at the time...if I had been completely wasted and fallen over chances are nothing would have happened and I would have carried on biking the next day just nursing a major hang-over...