
As most people are probably aware that I was a wee bit clumsy over in Cambodia and fell rather awkwardly onto my left are then the latest developements.
I'll be going into hospital today to undergo surgery to staple that torn ligament in my shoulder together again. All going well, I'll be back home on Saturday.
Then will the long-drawn healing process beginn. About 6 weeks with the arm in a sling followed by about 3 or 4 weeks exercising and Physiotherapy. Driving, riding and working (the more physical stuff that is) will probably be back on the menu after 12 weeks. Its a bloody long time to go but there's nowt I can do about it (other than being less clumsy the next time).

See ya around folks.

Day 15

A Happy New Year to Everyone !

No more biking for me on this trip since I fell into the New Year on a dark and slippery jetty hurting my shoulder. Will have to find something else to do now I guess.


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